Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fun With Cass

At the beginning of this week our kindergarteners were finishing up their first Superkids book, Cass.  So the whole class made Cass caps.  The kids had lots of fun decorating their caps and wearing them.  We are now starting our second book, Oswald.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekly News

Another great week as past.  We are learning a lot and having a lot of fun while doing it.  The kindergarteners will be finishing up our first Superkids book, Cass, and are very excited to find out who the next Superkid will be.  We will find out this week, so be sure to ask your child who the next Superkid is.

Also as a reminder please make sure you are reading with our child every night for at least 15 minutes.  This is very important for them.  I have been looking at the reading logs that have come back on Fridays and I am happy to see this being done. 

Here are some pictures of things we have been doing in our math centers.  Enjoy!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

An Exciting Week

This week kindergarten started Superkids!  It is so wonderful to see how excited they are about Superkids and they can't wait to meet the next one. 

In math we have been enjoying working in our centers.  The students are loving the math games.  On Friday we also played a counting game using beanbags and a giant watermelon that I drew.  The students loved tossing their beanbag onto a section of the watermelon and then counting how many seeds there were.  We also expanded on that and figured out which section had more or less. 

Thank you to everyone who brought their reading logs back on Friday so that I could check them.  For those of you that forgot please put them in your child's folder on this Friday.  At the end of the month I will collect these and give out a new one.  Also tomorrow, Monday, our first homework assignments will be given out.  The kindergarteners will get one reading and one math sheet.  They will both be due on Wednesday, September 14.  Please look for these sheets in your child's folder.