We are currently working on the Creature Features Inquiry Unit.
We have been talking about vertebrates and invertebrates. The students have identified animals as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, or fish based on characteristics of the animal. We have also talked about the life cycle of different kinds of animals. This week students will read about different animal babies and we will discuss animal habitats.
We are currently finishing up our community inquiry unit with constructing our own community in the classroom.
We have also begun our Creature Features Inquiry Unit. Students are learning about the different features of animals that help to protect them and how these features help them to adapt to their specific habitats. Students have been using the website
www.livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit/50901 to create their own unique animal, name it, and tell about.
Currently we are learning about maps and cardinal directions (N, S, E, and W). Students are making a map of the classroom right now. We will be making a map of a community and next we will be talking about what it means to be a good citizen. We will also learn about different community workers and what they do for the community.
We are starting our inquiry unit on Communities. Throughout the unit students will be looking at their community as well as other communities. We will talk about what a community is, what we can do in our community and community workers.
We have started a short Penguin Inquiry Unit. Students told things that they knew about penguins and we put them onto sticky notes to then put on our penguin poster. Students were then given the opportunity to look through penguin books on their own with a buddy. We will be reading some of these in class to learn more about penguins and will write down new things we learn on another penguin poster.
Students will be making their own penguin books and adding pages to it throughout the unit.
We have finished our dinosaur inquiry unit. The students will be writing their final copies of their dinosaur reports for our dinosaur books.
We have also been using the Ipads to write our dinosaur stories. The students are doing a great job with them.
We are finishing up our dinosaur inquiry unit by creating a dinosaur book. Each student chose one dinosaur to research and write about. We have already gathered the information and now we are beginning to put the information into complete sentences. When we have completed our final drafts and pictures our book will be sent in to be published into a hardcover book.
Students are also writing a story about if they found a real dinosaur egg. They have to include information about what their dinosaur would need to survive.
Our dinosaur unit is going well. The students have all chosen a specific dinosaur to do research on. They will write about that dinosaur and we will compile them into a book that will be published.
We have started talking about how the earth has changed over time. We will be making a timeline of the earth to show when various plants, dinosaurs, and animals started to appear. The students will also make timelines of their lives.
We have been working hard on our Dinosaur unit. The students got to be paleontologists in the Innovation Lab and dig for dinosaurs. We put dinosaur bones together to create a dinosaur, drew dinosaurs and then renamed them after ourselves, and created imaginary dinosaurs and wrote about what they would use to protect themselves.
Recently we talked about what dinosaurs ate and learned that some were carnivores (meat-eaters), herbivores (plant-eaters), and omnivores (meat and plant eaters). I hung up a giant T-rex and a giant Brontosaurus and the kids cut out food to put on each of the dinosaurs to represent what they would eat. We also found out how many of our feet it would take to fill a dinosaur footprint.
We have started our first inquiry unit - Dinosaurs. Students have been introduced to the many dinosaur books in our classroom and have been doing a lot of reading with them.
We talked about fossils and paleontology. Pete the Paleontologist is hanging up in our classroom and students discussed what kinds of tools a paleontologist would need. They then chose a tool to draw and we added those tools to our Paleontologist.
Students have begun looking at features of some of the dinosaurs. They have worked in small groups to learn about a specific dinosaur and then shared that information with everyone. Going forward we will be looking more at different features of dinosaurs and compare dinosaurs to animals alive today.
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