Monday, March 26, 2012

What We Have Been Up To Lately

     In reading we have been very busy learning the letters N and M.  The students also learned what the Supernoodle is and that Cass is the first Supernoodle.  We will be reading the story "The Hunt" in class tomorrow.  The students are always so excited to read the stories in our books and our library books.  Today we had time to read another or our Superkid library books called "Get It!"  Everyone got a chance to read the book with a buddy during class.  This week we will also continue to work more on our favorite Superkid video, hopefully being able to finish it before break.

     In math class the students have been very busy learning different ways to make 4, 5, 6, and 7 so far.  This week we will look at ways to make 8, 9, and 10 as well as how to tell if we have found all the ways to make a number and what patterns we see.  We will also complete different art projects that will help reinforce this concept.

     The second graders are working on learning the Stations of the Cross (which they will be presenting to you on Holy Thursday).  This week we will talk about Holy Week and what happens on each day.  We are also preparing for First Communion.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Subtraction Stories

     The students worked hard on drawing and writing their own subtraction stories.  Some of the students then told us their stories so we could practice writing the subtraction sentences using the minus and equal signs.  Here are a couple of the students presenting their subtraction stories for us.


Sunday, March 11, 2012


     The students started the next level in the Superkids program, called the Superkids Club.  They were super excited about their new books.  We found out that the Superkids are going to use a school bus as their clubhouse. 

     In math the students are working on subtraction.  They drew some of their own subtraction stories during the week.  They are learning how to write a subtraction problem using the minus sign and the equals sign. 

     This week we hope to do some St. Patrick's day creative writing, which should be lots of fun to see what they will write. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dr. Seuss Writing with Buddies

     Today the students had the opportunity to again work with their preschool buddies.  Since this is Dr. Seuss week the students wrote about silly things that they would not like to eat and places they would not want to eat them.  This was modeled after the story Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. 


     They did a great job and came up with some very silly things.  It was great to see the older students  helping write what the preschoolers were saying and helping them to come up with ideas.