Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Vacation

     School is over for another year.  I hope that everyone has a great summer vacation and good luck for next school year!

     Here is a picture from the awards ceremony.

Day at the Park

     The students took a field trip to the park and had a blast running around, climbing, and sliding down the slides.  Here are a few pictures of the kids enjoying the park.

New Superkids

     The kindergarteners worked hard all year long and are now officially Superkids themselves.  Congratulations to all of our new Superkids!

Last Days of School

     The last days of school were busy but involved lots of fun activities.  In reading the students finished writing their Supernoodle stories (which turned out great).  They also completed the last book in the Superkid's Club. 

     In math the students finished up their geometry unit by making their own shape creations from foam shape stickers (they were very creative).  Students also enjoyed using the pattern blocks and pattern cards.