Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Concert

     The students did a great job singing during the Christmas Concert on Dec. 18 along with second grade.  Here are a couple of pictures of them.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas

     I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  I hope that everyone has a safe and fun break.  See everyone in January!

Separating Solids

     In science the students are learning about different types of mixtures.  We started by looking at solid mixtures.  The students worked in groups to separate their solid mixture.  Everyone was given containers with sand, stones, and marbles mixed together.  They were also given sifters and funnels.  Working together the groups had to figure out how they could separate the mixtures.

     This past week we went to the Science Lab to look at what happens to solids when they are put in water.  Everyone was able to drop a solid into the water.  The students discovered that some of the solids floated, some sank, and some, salt, mixed with the water.
     Later in the week we also saw what happens when liquids mix with water.  We added vinegar, vegetable oil, and blue coloring to different containers of water and saw that some mixed with the water, while others did not.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week of December 17

     Last week before Christmas break and we have a busy week ahead.  We will be continuing to talk about Advent and Christmas this week.  The students have been writing about if they were an elf and have made their own elves.  They are looking great! 

     In reading the students will continue working on their problem/solution stories.  We will be having our spelling test on Tuesday.  This week students will also read another one of our Super Duper magazines.  This one will be called VROOM! and will talk about racing.  I'm sure that this will be a favorite of many of the kids.  We will also be doing some more Christmas themed writing during centers time.

     In math students will be working on graphing and interpreting data.  We will also being counting different money amounts and thinking of what coins we would need to purchase select items. 

     In science we began talking about solid mixtures last week.  This week we will look at what happens to solids and liquids when they are put in water.

     On Tuesday of this week is our Christmas Concert.  Students need to be at Church for 6:15pm and should be dressed up.  The students have been working very hard and will continue to do some more practicing this week.

     On Friday we will be watching Polar Express in the morning.  Students may wear their pajamas or jeans with red and green.  If they are wearing their pajamas, please send them with gym shoes and not slippers.  We will also be doing other various fun activities throughout the day on Friday.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week of December 10

     For religion this week we will light our second candle on our Advent wreaths as well as continue to read our Advent stories each day.  The students are excited to read the next story each morning and then hang the book on our classroom tree. 

     This week we will begin Unit 7 in Adventures of the Superkids.  In this unit we will continue to work on short and long vowels.  The students will be introduced to Silent e and will do various activities to further aid in identifying and spelling words with the CVCe (consonant, vowel, consonant, e) pattern.  We will also read a story called "Kites" in our readers and work on identifying the beginning, middle, and end of a story.  The students will also begin work on writing their own problem and solution story.

     In math this week the students will continue practicing their addition and subtractions facts.  We will be focusing on adding 2 to a number this week.  In addition the students will also measure the length of different objects using linking cubes and then compare and order them by length.  The students will also work on finding different ways to cover a design using pattern blocks and then sort and count the pattern blocks used.  We will be having a math test on Tuesday, Dec. 11.

     For science this week we will begin looking at mixtures.  The students will once again be going to the science lab to do an activity involving figuring out ways to separate a mixture.  On Wednesday, Dec. 12, we will be having a science test on matter and the three states of matter (solids, liquids, and gases).

     Reminders of things coming up:

     12/10 - Pizza Party for kindergarten and first grade, Dress Down day for entire school
     12/11 - Math test
     12/12 - Science test
     12/14 - Spirit Day

     12/18 - Christmas Concert 6:45pm in Church
     12/21 - Christmas Vacation begins at 3:00
     1/7 - School Resumes

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Field Museum

     Today we went to the field museum as a way to officially end our unit on dinosaurs.  While there we went through the underground adventure where we were "shrunk down and put under the soil" to see what lives in the soil.  The students even got to sit inside of a cicada to see what it feels like to be a bug.

Taking a closer look at some
of the bugs and plants.

We then headed over to Ancient Egypt and the kids got to see some of the mummies and other things from ancient Egypt.  Before we left we also went inside a pyramid and climbed to the top of it.

Doing the Egyptian
We made it upstairs and found Sue before heading into the Evolving Planet exhibit to find the dinosaurs.  Some of the students were even able to find the dinosaur that they wrote about for our dinosaur book.

Posing with Sue
In front of Sue

We found one of our dinosaurs that we did for our book.

He found his dinosaur, the Stegosaurus.

Standing in an Apatosaurus footprint

Happy St. Nick's Day

     St. Nick visited our school this morning and our classroom.  He left out of uniform passes for everyone and in our room left the kids candy canes. 
     When we got back from our field trip we watched VeggieTales, St. Nicholas to learn about who St. Nicholas was and what he did.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Science Lab and Time to the Hour

     Today was an exciting day in our classroom, I'm sure some of you might have heard about some of the things that we did today.  During math time we went outside and using an extension cord as our circle we made a clock, then wrote the numbers around the clock.  Two students at a time then showed a time on our clock using their bodies.  They laid down feet in the middle and raised their hands above their heads to point to the numbers.  The other students then had to tell what time was being told.  The kids had a lot of fun and it was a great hands on activity.

     We also went to the science lab again today.  The students each had the opportunity to try an experiment that was in our science books.  I put a tissue/paper towel in the bottom of a cup and then everyone had the opportunity to turn it over in a bowl full of water.  When we pulled the cup out the tissue/paper towel was still dry.  We discussed how there is air, a gas, in the cup and the water doesn't fill up the cup, so it stays dry.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week of December 3

     December is here and Christmas is coming up.  Our classroom is already decorated a little bit.  We have a tree that we will be decorating each day for Advent.  We will read a story each day and then hang it on our tree.  The students already made their Advent wreaths on Friday and we will light our first candle on Monday.  As the month goes on the students will be adding their own writing and craft projects to the room.

     This week we will be talking about Advent during religion class.  In Superkids, we have been talking about long and short vowels.  We will be continuing to work on identifying long and short vowels in words.  In math the students will be identifying odd and even numbers and working some more on telling time to the hour.  In Science, we will continue to learn about the states of matter - solids, liquids, and gases.  This week we will also be talking about castles in our Super-Duper magazine and the students will be doing an art/writing project with castles.

     On Thursday, we will be going to the Field Museum.  We will be able to see the dinosaurs there along with some other fun interactive things.

     Monday is the last day to bring in food for the food drive.  Unit 6 Spelling test will be on Tuesday, Dec. 4.  On Friday, Dec. 7, we will be having our reading test on Units 5 and 6.