Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Weather Forecasters

     Today students continued working on their storm pictures that they drew last week.  They are also working on describing their storm as if they were weather forecasters and were reporting on the storm. 
     We are working to make a movie of each student giving their storm report.  The students are super excited to give their weather report!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week of Feb. 25

     In religion this week we will be continuing to discuss Lent.  We will talk about what we can do during Lent in order to grow closer to Jesus.

     For Superkids this week, students will be learning about changing 'y' to an 'i' and then adding the ending.  We will also read the next story in our reader called "The Wish" and students will draw and write about their own wishes.  This week we will also talk about idioms like "It is raining cats and dogs!" 

     Math this week is going to focus mainly on counting by 10's from any number, adding 10 to a number, comparing and ordering numbers, and counting by 100's.  Students will once again be able to use the interactive hundreds chart on our SMARTboard as we go through this week's lessons.  We will have a test on Tuesday, Feb. 26. 

     In Science we will be talking more about weather and the seasons this week.  We will be looking more at the water cycle, as well as why we have the seasons.  Students will do an interactive activity involving why we have seasons using the SMARTboard.

     We will also be starting our next inquiry unit this week on Communities.  We will be discussing neighborhoods and communities, drawing neighborhoods, using Google Earth to look at our community, and using lots of books to find out about different kinds of communities and community helpers.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week of February 18

     This will be another shorter week since we have Monday off for President's Day.  We will be talking about the presidents all this week during Social Studies and completing various activities having to do with our Presidents.

     In Religion this week we will begin talking about Lent and things that we can do to grow closer to Jesus.

     We began the next level in Superkids last week, More Adventures of the Superkids.  Our first unit focuses on the letter 'y' and how it can sometimes be a vowel.  We are working on the rules for when 'y' makes the long i sound, the long e sound, and the long a sound.  When working with your child at home you can review these rules with them:  When y is at the end of a word and is the only vowel then it makes the long i sound as in cry.  When y is at the end of a word and there is another vowel that is not next to it then y will make the long e sound as in jelly.  When y is at the end of a word and there is a vowel right next to it then it will follow the rule of when two vowels are together the first one does the talking as in say.  Last week we read the first story in our new purple readers called "In Case of Rain."  This week we will be talking more about the story and writing our own set of directions. 
     We will be having our spelling test for unit 1 on Thursday.

     In math we will work more with adding two digit numbers with regrouping using our dimes and pennies.  Students will work with having to trade pennies for dimes and then counting the money altogether.  This week we will also work on telling time to the half hour, dividing shapes into fourths, and adding 10 to a number.

     In Science students will be completing their planets that they created last week.  Everyone wrote about real things that they would see if they were in space and then continued their writing to include a new planet that they discovered while up in space.  This week we will also begin looking at weather and different types of weather. 
     During science lab this week we will work on what we think could be used to clean pennies.  We will experiment using different things to clean them.  We will also use this opportunity to talk about how the Statue of Liberty went from copper to the green color that it is today.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ipad Lab

     This afternoon we were able to go to the Ipad Lab!  The students were super excited and enjoyed playing some math games on their Ipads.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week of February 11

     This week will be shorter with Friday being No School, but it will be a busy one for us.  We will be having our Valentine's Day party on Thursday, Feb. 14 in the afternoon.  Students may bring in valentines to pass out to everyone in class.

     In religion this week we will finish up talking about the Holy Spirit and begin talking about Ash Wednesday and Lent. 

     Monday we will be finishing up our End of Level test for Adventures of the Superkids.  Tuesday we will start More Adventures of the Superkids.  In this level students will be learning new sounds for letters.  We will begin by looking at 'y' as a vowel.  We will also have a new reader and stories.

     In math this week we will work on trading pennies for dimes and adding two digit numbers with regrouping using dimes and pennies.  Tuesday we will be having a math test.  Also this week we will be graphing candy hearts and answering questions about our individual graphs.  The students will also be going on a scavenger hunt in the classroom to find hearts that have matching values.  Students will be continuing to use Xtramath in the classroom and I encourage you to also use this at home to help practice fact fluency.

     In Science this week we will be continuing to talk about the sun, moon, stars, and planets.  Students will be making their star pictures that we didn't get to do on Friday.  We will also be writing about what we would see in space if we were in a spaceship and creating our own imaginary planets.  Our lab this week will be making some magnetic slime!

     Next week we will be talking about presidents in Social Studies.  Also coming up:
  • Communities Inquiry Unit
  • Lent
  • Easter
  • Time Stories

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week of February 4

     This week we will begin by checking our Groundhog Day predictions that we wrote last week.  Then we will be celebrating our 100th Day of School on Monday.  To celebrate we will be doing different counting activities and making 100 using money, cubes, links, etc.  The students will be writing about if they had $100 what would they do, and what would they want 100 of and what would they not want 100 of.  I also have a special treat for all of them in the afternoon to help celebrate.

     In Superkids, we will be finishing up revising our problem/solution stories and continuing to work with contractions and compound words.  We will be doing another of the interactive tuck-ins from our Superkids on the SMARTboard.  We will also read the final story in our Adventures of the Superkids reader called "Buster."  Along with reading the story we will work on summarizing and drawing conclusions from the story. 

     *Thursday, Feb. 7 will be our Unit 10 spelling test.
     *Friday, Feb. 8 and Monday, Feb. 11 we will have our End of Level reading test.  This test will cover all the pattern and memory words from all 10 units.  It will also have a story to read and comprehension questions.  The last part will be writing about a given topic.

     In math this week we will be working more with adding 2 digit numbers without regrouping, identifying how many more on a graph, congruent shapes, and comparing 2 digit numbers.  The students will be doing some of the daily fact practice using the SMARTboard again.

     In science we will be finishing up our penguin theme unit this week by looking at the life cycle of penguins and finishing up writing about if we had a pet penguin what we would need in order to care for the penguin.  Our science lab this week will be dealing with magnets and iron.  We will see if we can take the iron out of cereal.  We will also begin talking about the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets.

     *Please bring in a toilet paper tube by Thursday, Feb. 7.
     *Also bring in a shoebox for our Valentine mailboxes by Wednesday, Feb. 13.

Games Day

     To end a great Catholic Schools Week, Friday was student appreciation day.  The students were able to bring board games from home.  We played them in the afternoon in groups.  It was a great way to end our week.


     Thursday we went bowling as a whole school.  We spent just about the entire morning bowling.  The students were able to bowl about 2 games and had lots of fun.



Scales and Tails

     Tuesday we had the Scales and Tails presentation.  The kids got to get up close with some animals and even got to touch and hold some of them.  The animals included chinchillas, a hedgehog, chicks, an anteater, a macaw, and a sloth.

Buddy Day

     Last Monday was Buddy Day.  Our 7th grade buddies came in and read with us.  The students had fun choosing books and reading to their buddy or being read to by their buddy.