Saturday, May 31, 2014

Week of June 2

     We will be spending this week reviewing what we have learned this year.  Students will be reviewing by playing math and reading games with a buddy, using the SMART board and using the Ipads.  We will be reading books from our Superkids library as well as our classroom library and writing about them.  For math students will be completing summer themed math activities to continue to work on fact families and place value.  In science we will be talking about different habitats and students will finish up their animal books.  It should be a fun last week of school.

     Wednesday is our picnic to Wilson Park from 9:00-1:00.
     Friday is the last day of school and dismissal will be at 10:30.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Week of May 26

Religion:  This week we will be talking about ways we can share God's love with others.

Superkids:  The students are learning about the hard/soft sounds of c and g.  We will also be reading our final story in our reader.  Students will then be reading other books from our Superkids and classroom libraries to continue to work on different comprehension skills.

Math:  We ended last week by going outside to do math.  The kids had a lot of fun racing to find the correct answer to the math problems.  This week we will work on learning about probability, place value, and fact families. 

Science:  We are continuing to learn about animals and work on our animal books.  This week we will be talking about animal features and habitats.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week of May 19

Religion:  This week we will continue talking about the Mass and the parts of the Mass.  We will also discuss how we can share God's love with others.

Superkids:  Students will be reading a mystery in our readers and discussing the problem and solution.  We will continue working with our pattern and memory words. 

Math:  This week we will be working more on subtraction facts.  Students will learn about subtracting 2-digit numbers, temperature, and probability.  Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can take our math class outside for some outdoor math fun.

Science:  Students will be learning about the life cycle of animals this week.  We will be adding more pages to our animal book.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Week of May 12

Religion:  We will be talking about the Eucharist and parts of the mass.

Superkids:  This week we will be starting our last book.  Students will be working on words that have oo in them.  We will be reading our next Super Duper magazine on friends.  We will also work in small groups to review spelling strategies and comprehension strategies.

Math:  This week we will be work more with subtraction facts, geometric solids (rectangular prisms), and identifying and counting money.

Science:  Students are continuing to work on classifying animals.  We have talked about vertebrates and invertebrates.  Last week we sorted animals into mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.  This week we will be looking at invertebrates more.  We will also talk about life cycles.  In our innovation lab we will be finishing up our worm experiments.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Week of May 5

Religion:  We will be continuing to talk about how God will always forgive us.  We will also complete an art project for Mary.  This week students will also begin learning about the Eucharist.

Superkids:  We will be working on words with the letters ow and ou this week.  Students will also be reading more stories in our reader.  We will be talking about identifying a story's lesson, summarizing stories and cause and effect.

Math:  Students will be working more with learning their facts using manipulatives, the Ipad/SMART board, and games.  We will also learn about polygons this week and students will use the geoboard app on the Ipads to create polygons.  Students will also identify patterns on a hundred chart and then create their own patterns on a hundred chart that other students will then have to guess their pattern.

Science:  We are working on our Creature Feature inquiry unit.  Students have started learning about the different features of animals.  We will be going back to the computer lab this week to create a new animal.  This week we will begin learning about mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, and amphibians and classifying different animals as one of these.  In our innovation lab we will be working more with our worms and completing different experiments with them.

Social Studies:  Students are working on constructing a building for our community. 

Writing:  Students will be creating biopoems about themselves and then we will use the computer lab to also create wordles to go along with our biopoems.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Week of April 28

I hope everyone had an excellent break!  This week we will be getting back into our class routine.

Religion:  We will be discussing forgiveness this week.  Students will also learn more about the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.

Superkids:  Students will continue to work with our pattern words for this unit.  We will also be reading two more stories in our readers.  We will also work on comparing and contrasting stories, sequencing events, and main idea.

Math:  This week in math students will be graphing data on a bar graph, measuring and drawing line segments to the nearest centimeter, identifying cubes and cylinders and problem solving.  Students will also create geometric solids using toothpicks and marshmallows.

Science:  We are working on our Creature Features inquiry unit.  Students will be reading books about animals.  We will be discussing their various features and how they help that animal to survive.  We will also be looking at the differences between mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, and amphibians.

Social Studies:  We are finishing up our community inquiry unit by continuing to look at goods and services.  Students will also be writing about a new business that they would like to see in the community.  We will also begin constructing our own community.


Our plants have been doing very well over break.  Some have even started to sprout up.  Here are some of them.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Week of April 14

Religion:  This week we will be talking about Holy Week and Easter.  We will listen to the stories from our Bible.  Students will also create resurrection eggs.

Superkids:  Students will continue working with words that have oi and oy.  We will also be working on identifying the main idea and details. 

Math:  This week students will work on identifying and counting money, fractions, and addition/subtraction facts.  We will be creating fraction art and practicing math facts using some easter math centers.

Science:  We will be starting our next inquiry unit, Creature Features.  Students will begin reading books about different animals and we will be talking about their various features.

Social Studies:  We will be talking about needs vs. wants this week.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Week of April 7

Religion:  This week we will be talking about how Jesus called himself the Light of the World and ways that we can be peacemakers.

Superkids:  We will be starting to talk about words with oi and oy.  Students will also be reading the next Super-Duper magazine about HOT things from campfires to blue stars.  We will also be working on identifying beginning, middle, and end of stories, cause and effect, and main idea.

Math:  This week students will work on identifying cones/spheres, money, adding 3 numbers, and rounding to the nearest 10.  Students will also work on reinforcing other skills in small groups.

Science:  We are finishing up talking about the parts of a plant with the students creating a flip book to list all the parts and their functions.  We will then be starting our last inquiry unit which will be Creature Features. 

Social Studies:  In our community unit, we will be working on community workers and how they help their community.  Students will be writing about different community workers and then will choose one that they might want to do when they grow up.

**We will also this week be doing some Easter writing/art activities.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week of March 31

Religion:  This week we will be talking about the sacrament of Baptism.

Superkids:  We will be continuing to work with r-controlled vowels.  Students will also be identifying main idea and supporting details.  We will also be reading a poem and writing our own poem.

Math:  This week students will work on comparing numbers using symbols (<, =, >), dividing a set of objects, drawing/acting out story problems, and measuring capacity.

Science:  Students will be learning about plants, the parts of a plant, and the function of each part of the plant.

Social Studies:  This week in our community unit, students will be looking at why rules are important, being a good citizen, and community workers.

Writing:  We have been working on writing a friendly letter to a friend or family relative.  This week we will also learn how to address an envelope.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week of March 24

Religion:  This week we will be learning about the seven sacraments.

Superkids:  We will begin learning about r-controlled vowels. 

Math:  This week we will be working on estimating and measuring in feet, adding 9, dollar amounts, and fractions.

Science:  We will be learning about plants this week, including what plants need and parts of plants.

Social Studies:  We are continuing to work on our community inquiry unit.  Students are learning about maps and North, South, East, and West.

Writing: We will be learning about writing a friendly letter.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Week of March 17

Religion:     This week we will begin discussing the sacraments.

Superkids:  Students will be learning about words with aw and all.  We will also be working on identifying the main idea and details.

Math:  This week we will be working on subtracting 10 from a number, identifying a dozen and half dozen, measuring in feet, and adding 9 to a number.  We are also working more on telling time to the half hour as well as identifying and counting coins.

Science:  We will be talking about Earth's natural resources and how we can take care of those resources.  We will also learn more about our 5 senses.

Social Studies:  This week in our community unit we will be working more with maps.  Students will learn about directions North, South, East, and West.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

What We Have Been Up To

Here are just some random pictures of things we have been doing in our class this year.

Week of March 10

Last week we spent time reading some Dr. Seuss books and then doing some art and writing activities to go along with the books.

Religion:  This week we will begin discussing Lent.

Superkids:  Students will be working with more contractions.  We will also work on identifying the main idea and supporting details.

Math:  This week students will learn how to measure to the nearest inch, identify and count nickels, and order events by time.

Science:  We will be talking about Earth's natural resources and how we need to take care of them.

Social Studies:  This week with our community unit we will discuss the differences and similarities between the country and city.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Week of February 24

Religion:  We will be continuing to talk about the Holy Spirit this week.  We will discuss how the Holy Spirit helped the Church to grow and how the Holy Spirit helps us.

Superkids:  We are learning about y as a vowel and will learn about the rules for adding an ending to words ending in y.  Students will also be reviewing the other rules for adding endings to words.  We will also be working on recalling details from stories.

Math:  This week we will be focusing on adding 10 to any number and counting by 10's from any number.  We will also work more on problem solving strategies and comparing and ordering numbers to 100.

Science:  We are discussing the water cycle and weather this week. 

Social Studies:  We are working on our Community Inquiry Unit.

Writing:  We will be writing facts about one of the topics we know a lot about.  Students will draw a picture/diagram to go with their writing and we will also revise and edit our writing.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week of February 17

Religion:  We are learning about the Holy Spirit and how he came on Pentecost to Jesus' followers. 

Superkids:  We have finished Adventures of the Superkids and will be starting More Adventures of the Superkids.  In our first unit we will be learning about y as a vowel.  We will also start working on identifying the setting of a story as well as recalling details from the story.

Math:  We will be learning how we can exchange pennies for dimes, adding two digit numbers with regrouping using dimes and pennies, telling time to the half hour, and dividing shapes into halves and fourths.

Science:  This week we will continue talking about the sun, moon, stars, and planets.  We will work more on our planet writing.  We will also begin talking about weather.  In our lab this week we will look at the different parts of the water cycle.

Social Studies:  We will begin our next inquiry unit on communities.  During the unit we will be talking about our community as well as other communities.  We will also talk about different community workers.

Writing:  We will be working on brainstorming a list of topics that we know about and then choosing one to write facts about.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week of February 3

Religion:  We will be talking about Jesus loved us so much that he died and rose to new life for us.
Superkids:  This week we will begin the last unit in Adventures of the Superkids.  We will learn about contractions and compound words.  Students will also review the rules that we have learned so far for adding endings to words.
Math:  We will be continuing to work on adding two-digit numbers and problem solving strategies. 
Science:  We are continuing to learn about penguins.  This week we will talk about what penguins eat, penguin predators, how penguins take care of their young.  We will also do a fun activity to see what it would be like to carry an egg on our feet like the Emperor Penguins do.
We will also be finishing up Catholic Schools Week this Monday and Tuesday since we were off last Monday and Tuesday.  
Monday:  Community/Spirit Day - Students may wear orange and blue.  We will decorate our classroom door to show our OLV spirit.
Tuesday:  Student Appreciation Day - Students may dress in their favorite sports team attire.  We will watch a movie and have a special treat.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week of January 27

Religion:  We will be talking about Jesus loved us so much that he died and rose to new life for us.

Superkids:  We are continuing to work on short and long vowel sounds focusing on CVVC (consonant, vowel, vowel, consonant) words.  We will also be learning about adjectives.  Students will be reading another story in our readers in small groups and we will work on retelling what the story was about and putting events in order.

Math:  We are working on doubles plus 1 facts.  We will also be measuring the height of different things and creating an art project to go with it.  We will continue to work on identifying and counting money, creating patterns, and problem solving strategies.

Science:  We are learning about penguins.  This week we will be comparing our heights with the heights of different penguins, reading different penguin books, and completing more pages for our penguin books.

This week is also Catholic Schools Week.  We will be doing different activities on each day.  Here is what will be going on each day.

Monday:  Community/Spirit Day - Students may wear orange and blue.  We will decorate our classroom door to show our OLV spirit.  We will also make cards for sick parishioners.

Tuesday:  Student Appreciation Day - Students may dress in their favorite sports team attire.  We will watch a movie and have a special treat.

Wednesday:  Bowling Day - K-8 will be going bowling today.  Students should wear their gym uniforms.

Thursday:  Buddy Day/Teacher Appreciation Day - We will do a buddy activity with our older buddies.

Friday:  Parent Appreciation Day - Join us for mass and then come spend some time in our classroom.  Then enjoy breakfast in the school hall.  Students should wear red and white today.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week of Jan. 20

Religion:  reading and discussing the story of the Good Shepherd

Superkids:  short/long vowels, CVVC (consonant, vowel, vowel, consonant) words, beginning, middle, end of stories, sequencing story events

Math:  adding 2 digit numbers, double plus 1 facts, test on Thursday

Science/Social Studies:  Force, Penguins - parts of a penguin, where do they live, how do they stay warm

Innovation Lab:  Blubber Glove

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week of January 13

Religion:  We will learn that Jesus taught his followers to pray and we will look at the Our Father
                  and what we are saying to God when we pray the Our Father

Superkids:  We are continuing to work on long and short vowels, we are reviewing the rules we
                     learned earlier for adding -ing or -ed to words and learning the rules for adding -ing or
                     -ed to 'super e' words.  We are also working on identifying the beginning, middle, and
                     end of stories and using context clues.

Writing:  We are working on writing, editing, and revising our opinion writing.  We will also begin
                 working on describing objects in our writing.  Students will also do a fun snowglobe
                 writing/drawing activity.

Math:  We are working on subtracting 2 from a number, counting by 5's and using tally marks,
             problem solving, drawing line segments.

Science/Social Studies:  We will be looking at force this week and the way things can move.  This
                                         will also be the focus of our Innovation Lab this week where students will
                                         race cars.  They will also incorporate their math measuring skills in the
                                         lab to measure the distance traveled by the cars.  We are also starting
                                         our penguin unit. 

     Also we took a break from finishing our dinosaur book that will be published during Christmas, but now that we are back those students that need to finish their writing and pictures will finish them and we will create the cover and then send it in to be published.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Week of Jan. 6

Happy New Year! 

We will be starting unit 8 in Adventures of the Superkids this week.  In this unit students will learn the rules for adding an ending to 'super e' words.  We will also be working on identifying the beginning, middle, and end of a story.

During math this week we will be working dividing shapes in half, money, counting by 5's, and using tally marks.  We will also work on subtracting 2 facts.

In science this week we will finish up talking about matter and begin talking about forces and the way things move.  We will also begin a short inquiry unit on penguins.