- Monday: Teacher Appreciation and Buddy Day - Students will get together with their 7th grade buddies
- Tuesday: Spirit Day and Making Cards - Students will make get well cards for the sick
- Wednesday: Parent Appreciation Day - Parents are invited to join us for 8:15 mass and then enjoy a breakfast
- Thursday: Spirit Day and Bowling - We will be going bowling in the morning
- Friday: Dress Down Day and Student Appreciation and Games - Students may bring a game from home to play in the afternoon.
In Superkids this week we will be working with contractions and compound words. We will be doing various activities using the Smartboard as well as other hands on things in order to learn how to spell these words as well as review our other word patterns. Students will also continue with the writing process and begin the next steps of drafting and revising their problem/solution stories that they planned last week.
In Math this week we will be working more with the doubles plus one facts as well as adding two digit numbers without regrouping. We will be using our Smart board doing our daily fact practice to help challenge us to remember the answers quicker each time helping us to become more fluent with our facts.
For Science and Social Studies we are continuing with our Penguin theme unit. This week we will be talking about what penguins eat, predators, how they move, penguin chicks, and how they care for their babies. Students will be continuing to read our penguin books and we will be adding to our penguin books. We will also be doing some interactive activities using our Smart board to aid us in our learning.
What we will be learning about in the next couple of weeks:
- Groundhog Day
- 100th Day
- Magnets
- Solar System
- Compound Words
- Time to the Half Hour
- Congruent Shapes
- Communities
- Ash Wednesday and Lent