Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a nice break. This week we will be getting back into our classroom routines.
In religion we will begin by talking about Christmas and the feast of the Three Kings. Then we will be looking at hot Jesus loves and cares for us. We will read the story of the Good Shepherd from the Bible, compare Jesus and shepherds, as well as look at ways that we can praise Jesus.
In Superkids, this week, we will be starting Unit 8 of Adventures of the Superkids. The students will be working more with short and long vowel sounds. They will also learn the rules for adding -ing and -ed to CVCe words. We will also work on revising our problem/solution stories that we wrote before break. The students will also be working more with identifying the beginning, middle, and end of a story and sequencing events. We will be reading the story "The Mitten" by Jan Brett in class this week and the students will be making their own mittens with the animals to put inside so that they can retell the story. Look for these to be coming home with your child this week.
In math we will be dividing squares in half, counting by 5's, using tally marks, and drawing a picture to solve a problem. We will also work on subtracting 2 from a number. Starting this week, students will also be responsible for completing a daily math word problem. It will be part of our morning work when the students come in along with our daily handwriting practice. On Friday, Jan. 11, we will have a math test.
In Science we will be talking about what happens to matter when heat is added or taken away. During out lab time students will do an experiment involving warm and cold water and food coloring. They will make predictions about what they think will happen and then do the investigation to find out if they were right or not. We will end the week by beginning to look at forces in preparation for our science lab next week which will involve racing cars.
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