Last week was our first full week of school. The kids were all very excited to start all their special classes (Latin, Computers, Art, Music, Spanish, and P.E.).
The kids are also loving the new Superkids program. They enjoy hearing each Superkids song and have been requesting to hear some of them again and again. I am very happy to see them getting into the Superkids program. We will be hearing more of the songs this week and hopefully be able to also see the animation that goes along with each character.
This week I am excited to begin our first Inquiry Unit on Dinosaurs. Throughout the unit we will be learning about what the dinosaurs looked like, what they ate, comparing and contrasting different ones and comparing and contrasting them to animals alive today. It should be a very fun unit for the kids.
The SMARTboard in our classroom has also been a big hit with the students. They all get to move their frog to the pond every morning for attendance. We also use it frequently throughout the day for different activities. The kids have gotten to play reading and math games on it already.
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