Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week of October 1

     This week in class we will finish up the first unit of Adventures of the Superkids and start the second unit.  Our spelling test will be on Tuesday, October 2.  Spelling homework will also be due on that day.

     We have been talking about synonyms in class and the students are making "Synonym" Rolls during center time. 

     We had our second Mystery Reader last week.  The kids were very excited to find out who the reader was and loved the story "Dinosaurs Love Underpants." 

     The kids had a lot of fun last Wednesday eating ice cream and making a craft project with their 7th grade buddies.  Thank you to everyone that brought in ice cream for the party.

     This Thursday, October 4th, we will be celebrating the Feast of St. Francis with a prayer service and pet blessing.  The students are invited to bring in a favorite stuffed animal or a picture of their pet to be blessed. 

     This Friday, October 5th, we will be going on our first field trip of the year.  We will be going to Safety Town. 

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