Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week of November 12

     With Thanksgiving coming up very soon, we will be talking a lot about the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving in class.  The students will be able to go on a virtual tour of the Mayflower.  Also a special art/writing project will be going home this week.    
     The students will finish their pictures for our dinosaur book this week.  We will also begin looking at the properties of matter this week in science. 

     In Adventures of the Superkids the students will learn the rules for adding -ing and -ed to words.  When do you double the consonant and when do you just add the ending?  We will answer that question this week.  We will also be reading more stories in our reader. 

     This week in math the students will begin learning how to tell time to the hour and about capacity.  We will also continue to practice our math facts everyday.

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