Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week of November 5

     This week will be a busy one for us.  We will be finishing up our 4th unit in Adventures of the Superkids.  The students are also finishing up our first inquiry unit on dinosaurs.  Each student picked a dinosaur and they have been working on answering different questions about their specific dinosaur such as when it lived, what it ate, and what it used to protect itself.  We will be turning this information into a dinosaur book that we are going to have published.  The kids are doing a great job on them so far!

     On Tuesday, we will be having at mock election of our own at school.  The students will listen to speeches from each presidential candidate and then we will vote for who we want to be president.  To go along with this the students will also be writing about if they were president.

     In math, we have been working on addition facts (doubles, plus 1 and plus 0).  This week we will also work on subtraction facts (minus 1).  We have already been writing subtraction sentences for our some, some went away problems, but this week we will get our minus 1 subtraction fact cards and really start practicing them.  We will also be working on counting dimes along with our pennies.

     Also bring in a can of food by Thursday, Nov. 8 to give to the OLV Library Thanksgiving "Can O' Food" Drive.

     Other things going on this week include:
  • Monday - Bears DaWear Bears Colors with jeans
  • Tuesday - Red, White, and Blue Day  Students may wear red, white, and blue
  • Thursday - Religion Test, Spelling Test on Unit 4, Spelling homework is also due
  • Friday - Spirit Day, Reading test on units 3 and 4

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