Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week of Nov. 4

This week we will be continuing to talk about how Jesus wants us to love God, ourselves, and others. 

In Superkids we are working with words that end in er and ed.  Students are continuing to work on identifying problem and solution, as well as this week we will be comparing and contrasting stories.  We are also learning about nouns and verbs and writing a story.

In math this week we will be starting subtraction with subtracting 1 from a number.  We will also work on counting by 10's from any number and counting dimes.

For science this week, students will continue to work on writing about their dinosaurs for our book, as well as write a dinosaur story applying everything that we have learned about dinosaurs.  For our Innovation Lab this week we will begin exploring sound and the materials we will use to make our own drums.

This week we will also talk about veterans in honor of Veteran's Day on November 11.  As well as this month we will be learning about pilgrims, Indians, the Mayflower, and the first Thanksgiving.  November should be another fun month with all of our holiday projects and activities.

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