Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stained Glass Crosses and Resurrection Eggs

     Monday, the students made beautiful stained glass crosses using tissue paper.  They are hanging up in our classroom windows and are looking great!

     Today the students worked on making their resurrection eggs.  Everyone got six eggs and then we went through the Easter story filling an egg to represent each part.
  • Egg One:  Jesus ate dinner with his friends. - bread crumb
  • Egg Two:  The next day Jesus died on the cross. - cross sticker
  • Egg Three:  He was wrapped in cloth and place in a tomb. - white tissue paper.
  • Egg Four:  A stone was place in front of the tomb. - rock
  • Egg Five:  Jesus' friends came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been moved.  The tomb was empty!
  • Egg Six:  Jesus is alive!  That's the sweet surprise of Easter.

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